After a speeding vehicle in his neighborhood accidentally killed his dog, a guy was devastated. He posted a sign in his yard warning drivers who were speeding past the area, hoping to stop any further incidents.
We buried our dog last week because you won’t slow down, the sign said. If you hurt even one of my children, your family might bury you.

After being posted on Reddit, the sign’s picture swiftly gained popularity. The man received praise from several readers for speaking out about residential neighborhood safety. They also vented their wrath at the careless drivers who rush through residential areas, threatening the lives of children and animals.
However, other readers chastised the dog’s owners for not keeping their pet on a leash or in a gated yard and for allowing it to roam free. They contended that owners, not drivers who might be driving too fast through neighborhoods, are ultimately responsible for keeping pets and children safe.

Regardless of the conflicting opinions, the sign was a potent reminder of the value of defensive driving and proper pet-keeping.